Tuesday, 28 August 2012

HENRY FORD - Was He Born Before?

 Henry Ford believed implicitly that in a former lifetime as a soldier he had died at the battle of Gettysburg. The San Francisco Examiner dated 26 August, 1928, quoted him as saying:

 'I adopted the theory of Reincarnation when I was twenty-six. Religion offered nothing to the point. Even work could not give me complete satisfaction. Work is futile if we cannot utilize the experience we collect in one life in the next. When I discovered Reincarnation it was as if I had found a universal plan. I realized that there was a chance to work out my ideas. Time was no longer limited. I was no longer a slave to the hands of the clock. Genius is experience. Some seem to think that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of long experience in many lives. Some are older souls than others, and so they know more. The discovery of Reincarnation put my mind at ease. If you preserve a record of this conversation, write it so that it puts men's minds at ease. I would like to communicate to others the calmness that the long view of life gives to us.'

Here are some further awesome words of his:

Monday, 27 August 2012


Here are 3 more FREE books for you to choose from today on Amazon Kindle Direct:

OUT OF TIME: Tyneham Revisited


Read about them in my right-hand column - or just click their links. Oh, and by the way, DUSTY'S JOURNEY is still free from yesterday ... but this extra special offer on all 4 will be over tomorrow! 

Sunday, 26 August 2012


Just letting you know that DUSTY'S JOURNEY is FREE today on Amazon Kindle Direct!

Scroll down to read about it in my right-hand column, or click its link. Hope you'll enjoy it.

Friday, 24 August 2012

REBIRTH - Everlasting Souls

I simply love this wisdom from Chrissie Astell's 'Advice From Angels' and think you will too:

'If our souls are everlasting, through many lifetimes, and if we wait in a heavenly place until our rebirth, then we spend most of that time among the angelic realms. Following this thought, perhaps what we see in meditation is a memory. A part of us knows that angelic presence, and a spark of it remains in our hearts for all time.

When we are born, part of our soul - the ego-less, non-physical part - remains in the Heavenly place. The higher self is wiser and purer than our bodily form and has no material attachment. It is possible to connect and ask our higher self for guidance.

When we tap into that wisdom we can also connect with the angel within us. Next time you meet, notice the difference in the energy of your interaction when you allow the angel within to connect with another at a deep soul level.'

Thursday, 23 August 2012


Did you happen to read the other day about the woman who decided not to look in the mirror for a month? She made the decision because she had found herself looking in the mirror (or at her reflection in shop windows) many times a day, despite the fact that doing this tended to depress her.

Well, she said that one month on she felt much better. No longer obsessed with her outward appearance, she had tuned into her inner self with the result that she would awaken to face each new day feeling serene instead of stressed.

I think that’s very interesting and that it says a lot about the value we place on the physical, rather than the spiritual, while we inhabit our bodies.

On my Facebook page yesterday I put a picture similar to this one to illustrate feeling stifled by circumstances and unwilling or unable to grow. Here’s a picture that, for me at least, illustrates the kind of freedom and serenity that I believe is available to us all if we look within for solutions instead of externally. Do you agree that looking within is the key to finding serenity?

Friday, 17 August 2012


Here's a lovely message from Chrissie Astell's Advice From Angels:

'The gift of life contains no promises, only possibilities. We are called to live our lives with appropriate regard for others. We are interdependent with all things on our wonderful planet. If you sincerely immerse yourself in the service of others you cannot help but be helped yourself. Rather than ask what you can get from life, ask: "How may I serve? What can I contribute? Many blessings are around you everywhere, so don't miss the opportunity to make a difference."

Monday, 13 August 2012


A new series on haunted houses entitled Great British Ghosts is due to start soon on the Yesterday Channel. In last Saturday's WEEKEND magazine reference was made to the Old Courthouse Inn in Great Bromley - a former courthouse (where criminals were tried and often taken straight to the gallows) now run as a B & B pub.

Here's an extract from the article: 'It is haunted by a woman in a maid's uniform and guests have complained of being watched. The pub's ghost has been caught on camera by spirit snapper Ron Bowers. He has taken scores of photographs there, which have shown shapes witnesses claim were not visible to them.

Justice meted out at the Old Courthouse may have been rough but at least it was swift. However, debtors banged up in Derby Gaol languished there for months or years, sometimes driven to suicide or despair. The prison, now a museum run by local historian Richard Felix, also claims to be Britain's most haunted building. Richard says the 'torment and terror of its past lingers in the very fabric' of the building. Visitors to the museum have seen the oak cell doors close on their own, have smelled the scent of roses, felt sick and been pushed and shoved by unseen hands.

At a seance held in the jail, a heavy table pushed a visitor close to a burning fire and Richard has seen a ghost gliding along a corridor. He recalls, "I was on the phone in the office and it was 3.20 pm on a bright afternoon. I was so startled I forgot I was on the phone."

Richard believes the man in black 19th century clothes was the unquiet spirit of George Batty, a rapist hanged in 1825 when the jail closed down, or perhaps the spirit of the jail's last warden, Blyth Simpson, who objects to his successor's presence. Richard says, "He still thinks he runs the place - he resents me terribly."'    

Friday, 3 August 2012


Where is your gateway to paradise? Here's one of mine. It's on glorious Dartmoor, between Widdecombe village and the Rugglestone Inn.

For me (and countless others) Dartmoor is paradisaical. I can see it, distantly, from my study window and can be there after a thirty-minute drive. The views on the moor (except when it's clothed in mist) stretch forever, across to high tors, vast swathes of bracken and heather - and ponies galore.

I can go through this gate and feel that I am in heaven already. Are these similar feelings to those we experience when we eventually go from the life we know to the afterlife?

I wouldn't be surprised! And I hugely appreciate the way my spirits lift with every new gateway to paradise I find.

P.S. Just letting you know that all 4 P.G. Glynn novels will be FREE from Amazon.com Kindle Direct this weekend!

Thursday, 2 August 2012


Here's a lovely story of an angelic visitation - again from Chrissie Astell's Advice From Angels:

'Ben, aged four, had been very sad since his Daddy had gone away. He hadn't eaten well, couldn't sleep and refused to play with his toys. His mother Sue was beside herself with worry for her son and herself, but had read about the help of angels and came to see me to find out more.

In the week prior to her consultation, Ben came down from his room one evening after he had been put to bed and said: "Mummy, there is a shiny lady in my room all dressed in white who knows who I am. I don't know what she wants but she keeps smiling and talking to me. Mummy, she is SO beautiful."

Following the visit of the 'beautiful white lady', Ben became his normal happy self again, playing, eating and sleeping like a healthy little boy. Do we need to return to innocence to see the angels for ourselves?'