Saturday, 6 April 2013


Whenever I walk before breakfast by the Dart in Totnes and see this swan he swims across to me immediately. This morning his behavior was quite extraordinary. From the far side of the river - where he had been hobnobbing with two wading birds and a duck - he came straight over (and posed for this photo).

I spoke to him (as I often do!)  and he appeared to listen. Then I made as if to go and he turned to go too. But when I stayed he came straight back. We repeated this process several times and I was able to take a whole host of close up pictures of his arrivals and departures.

It might of course just be my fancy, but more and more I feel as if this swan and I share an affinity - and maybe a history!

You see, I had a Bearded Collie who yearned to be a bird and spent his whole life trying to fly ...

Is there any connection between Sam and this swan? I leave you to decide!