Why might this interest you? Because you've presumably questioned what is after death - and because The Portrait by P.G. Glynn might give you pause for thought.
It certainly halts artist Joseph Glenny in his tracks when, walking along a Cornish beach, he meets a girl who looks at him with his dead wife's eyes!
Who is Jess and how can it be that he feels he knows her from long ago? He not only knows, but also loves this girl he has ostensibly only just met. Is he going mad, or has his beloved Lara come back to him, in a different skin?
He had painted Lara's portrait - a portrait that Jess sees when, by 'chance' she enters an art gallery in St Ives. After seeing it, she doesn't know what to believe, nor how to deal with her conflicting feelings.
This haunting love story is FREE for FIVE DAYS via this Amazon Kindle LINK.
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