Who Are You - Do You Know Who You Are?
This might seem like a strange title - and maybe it is, but it possibly seems less strange when I tell you that the answer, for me, came in a brilliant book I'm reading currently (for the umpteenth time!)
The book - ASK AND IT IS GIVEN - by Esther and Jerry Hicks, based on the teachings of Abraham in the spirit world, tells us:
'Another important premise that is valuable to remember is that you are a physical extension of Source Energy, and that an eternal Stream of Source Energy flows to you and through you - and that it is you. This Stream flowed before the physical Being that you know as you was born, and it will continue to flow once the physical Being that you know as you experiences what you call "death."
Every living thing, animal, human, or plant, experiences that which is called death, with no exception. Spirit, which is who we really are, is eternal. So what death must be is but a changing of the perspective of that eternal Spirit. If you are standing in your physical body and consciously connected to that Spirit, then you are eternal in nature and you need never fear any "endedness", because, from that perspective, there is none. (You will never cease to be, for you are eternal Consciousness.)'
So, who are you? I'd love to hear your view on who think you are - and whether or not the above extract represents something close to your 'truth'.