Sunday, 22 January 2012


Over my next several Blogs I'll be telling you of an extraordinary sequence of events and letting you make up your own mind as to whether these were coincidences - or synchronicity.

It all began a long time ago.  I lived in Bournemouth back then and read a little snippet in my local newspaper, the EVENING ECHO, headed 'Tyneham - The Village That Died'.  For some reason, this heading touched me deeply and I was determined to visit the village in question and find out how and why it had 'died'.

But, despite my determination, this proved impossible until 1976.  Why?  Because of the dangers of going there!  What dangers could there possibly be, in a small Dorset village hidden among the Purbeck hills?  Well, unexploded bombs, among other things - and a definite risk of DEATH.  The more I read (researching the subject in my local library) the more I yearned to go to Tyneham.  I needed patience, though, before I could go - plenty of patience, which stood me in good stead eventually.

I look forward to sharing my experiences with you and en route you may want to ask yourself the question that I've asked myself many, many times - was help reaching me regularly from the 'other side'?  And where do we draw the line to decide whether we're experiencing mere coincidences - or synchronicity?

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