After death life? Life of another kind, I suspect. Once we are bodiless we are free in a way that we never are while still encased in flesh.
Imagine, if you can, the freedom of being anywhere at will – of thinking yourself somewhere and then of being there! Forget traffic jams and the frustrations of traveling in a car, train or plane. Think instead of instantaneous transportation.
Think too in terms of staying close to those you loved while embodied. Death doesn’t separate. It enables us to watch over loved ones as a kind of guardian angel.
How do I know this? Because I am acutely conscious of being watched over! My consciousness first arose about thirty years ago when I crossed the USA on a Greyhound bus. I’d best mention here that I’m British – and was warned by Americans before my trip that I should abandon it.
They said it was unsafe and that it was mad for a woman to travel alone in this way. Someone from Chicago even told me that I’d probably disappear without trace!
So by the time I was due to board my first bus, in Santa Barbara, I was seriously scared. But, being headstrong and stubborn, I boarded it anyway.
Well, from that moment on I felt protected! At the bus station in Santa Barbara I had met an old lady who told me her life story and assured me that after a bowl of chowder I’d see bus journeys as exciting – not scary. We ate together before she saw me off on my bus like an old friend.
In San Francisco I met another old lady. This one, aged 84, was traveling to Reno like me. After asking whether she could recommend a safe place to stay, I was quite unprepared for her laughter. She didn’t go to Reno to sleep, she told me – but to gamble all night! This was something she did twice a week, in between watching the Giants play baseball.
I reckon it was her attitude that kept her so young in spirit. Over a shared lunch in Sacramento Ruby proved to be a fund of fascinating information that stood me in excellent stead. And when I told her I’d be having a stopover in Las Vegas she gave me a book of vouchers that had been given to her and that she would not be needing as she wasn’t going beyond Reno.
These gave me a free breakfast in the Lucky Lady Casino, a free 3-minute telephone call to anywhere in the world and plenty of other freebies in Vegas. So it went on. Whether I was at the Grand Canyon, or in Oklahoma, Memphis, New Orleans or between my various destinations, something or someone happened to show me I had nothing whatsoever to fear.
Who was it, watching over me? I was so conscious of their presence that I wanted to know their identity. And I found this out, after years of detection – but that’s another story, for another day. I’ll be telling it, though. I promise!
Back, now, to where we were when I said that death doesn’t separate. Why would it, when dying is such a simple thing? At the appointed time we shed our body in much the same way that a caterpillar sheds its chrysalis.
What happens to the caterpillar then? Why, it spreads its butterfly wings and flies!
How liberating … how exciting, to leave a cumbersome body behind! This is especially so when the body we’re leaving is diseased, or creaking, or incredibly weary.
To be free of it must come as a massive relief. But in our new-found freedom we see that those we love so much are grieving for us.
What’s to be done? Well, we can help them. Our lack of a physical presence is not a problem, for our spiritual essence is ever-present and the love that we felt is as strong as ever.
So we can help our loved ones feel our continuing love. They might be unable to see us, but they can feel our remembered presence manifesting itself in their protection.
After death life? Yes, and an abundance of the love that is never-ending.
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