Saturday, 27 September 2014


Have you ever received an angel message in the form of a white feather? I certainly have - and I read in today's newspaper that TV presenter Gloria Hunniford has too, except that she describes such feathers as angels' calling cards.

After her beloved daughter, Caron Keating, died tragically aged 41 Gloria started receiving these feathers whenever she was stressed or despairing over Caron's death.

Years before she died, Caron - an absolute believer in angels - told Gloria: "Remember Mum, if an isolated white feather appears out of nowhere it's a sign that your guardian angel is watching over you." At the time Gloria was quite sceptical, but has since come to the realisation that her daughter was right. She gives special mention to a day when she was on her way to Disneyland with Caron's two young sons, Charlie and Gabriel.

Standing on a rain-soaked platform at Folkestone railway station holding the boys' hands, she ached with pain at the thought of how Caron should have been there with them to share what was meant to be a birthday treat for 7-year old Gabriel.

Trying to put on a brave face for her grandsons' sake, she felt as if her heart was breaking. Then she looked down and saw on her shoe a single, snow-white feather. Despite the rain it was perfectly dry and had quite literally dropped from the sky. There was no rational explanation for its sudden arrival.

But I have my theory about it, just as Gloria did. Do you think that when we most need them we receive angel messages?

Friday, 12 September 2014


I felt compelled to share these beautiful words, Eternal Vision, by J. Sig Paulson with you. I think you'll appreciate their message as much as I do:

'They know me not who think that I am only flesh and blood -
a transient dweller on the fragile spaceship earth that gave me birth. 

For I am Spirit eternal, 
indestructible, not confined to space or time
and when my sojourn here is through -
my roles fulfilled, my assignments done -
I will lay aside this space suit called my body
and move on to other mansions, roles, assignments
in our Father's house of eternal life.

So dry your tears,
weep not overmuch for me - or for yourself.
Set me free in the Love that holds us all 
and makes us one eternally!
Our paths will cross again
Our minds and hearts will touch
Our souls will shout with joy and laughter
As we recall the lives we've lived, the worlds we've seen,
the ways we've trod to find ourselves - at last - in God.'

Thursday, 11 September 2014


Are you as fascinated by the idea of discovering past lives as I am? (It’s how I came to write THE PORTRAIT!)

I’m just reading a brilliant book by Glenn Williston & Judith Johnstone about spiritual growth through a knowledge of former lifetimes.

Dr Williston has helped several thousand people with their problems in this life through regressing them via hypnosis to relevant incidents in past lifetimes. One patient, named Josh, came to him to try to find a reason for his alcoholism and inability to form any kind of meaningful relationship.

When regressed, he kept saying: “I hate them! I hate them! I hate every one of the bloodthirsty savages.”

He gradually revealed that he had been a Blackfoot Indian with a pregnant wife. They were picking their corn one day when three drunken white men with guns arrived on horseback.  These men trampled the corn – killing the wife with her unborn child – yelling and screaming all the while, and showing no mercy. Before leaving they laughed and tossed corn at the Indian they had so wronged.

Josh, as that Indian, resolved to sneak into town at night and kill the 3 murderers. But he didn’t live long enough – contracting a fever and dying a few days later. However, the negative energy remained with him and he still had a self-destructive need for revenge.

After the regression, all of which he remembered, he entered a center for the treatment of alcoholism, to turn his life around. (He had previously refused to attend even one Alcoholics Anonymous meeting!)

So discovering past lives can be highly therapeutic as well as a fascinating exercise. Do you agree?