Saturday, 27 September 2014


Have you ever received an angel message in the form of a white feather? I certainly have - and I read in today's newspaper that TV presenter Gloria Hunniford has too, except that she describes such feathers as angels' calling cards.

After her beloved daughter, Caron Keating, died tragically aged 41 Gloria started receiving these feathers whenever she was stressed or despairing over Caron's death.

Years before she died, Caron - an absolute believer in angels - told Gloria: "Remember Mum, if an isolated white feather appears out of nowhere it's a sign that your guardian angel is watching over you." At the time Gloria was quite sceptical, but has since come to the realisation that her daughter was right. She gives special mention to a day when she was on her way to Disneyland with Caron's two young sons, Charlie and Gabriel.

Standing on a rain-soaked platform at Folkestone railway station holding the boys' hands, she ached with pain at the thought of how Caron should have been there with them to share what was meant to be a birthday treat for 7-year old Gabriel.

Trying to put on a brave face for her grandsons' sake, she felt as if her heart was breaking. Then she looked down and saw on her shoe a single, snow-white feather. Despite the rain it was perfectly dry and had quite literally dropped from the sky. There was no rational explanation for its sudden arrival.

But I have my theory about it, just as Gloria did. Do you think that when we most need them we receive angel messages?

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