Thursday, 15 March 2012


I've just been reading extracts from Annie Cap's book 'Beyond Goodbye' in which she tells of experiencing, from her home in Kent, the same sensations her mother was experiencing on her deathbed - thousands of miles away in the USA.

Clutching at her chest and coughing and battling for breath, she rang her mother - who it transpired had been fighting for breath for the past thirty minutes.  The telephone was put to her mother's ear and Annie was able to tell her she loved her and that it was OK to let go.  Her Mum died with Annie still on the end of the line.

Since then Annie has experienced the profound conviction that her Mum was back with her.  She says: "In the darkest moments of my grief, I had very distinct sensations of her stroking my hair to comfort me, just as she used to do when I was a child."

She mentions other strange happenings too, saying: "I started to find hair pins, of the kind my mother used to wear, dotted around the house.  They would be in random places - by the coffee-maker, or on the sofa.  My husband noticed them, too.  I had very short hair and didn't use anything like that, so it was hugely odd.  Also, my mother was a smoker and I woke up in the morning to the smell of cigarettes even though our house was totally smoke-free."

Do you agree with me that Annie's experiences could well be more proof of life after death?

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