Tuesday, 13 March 2012


In my quest to bring you proof of life after death I'm reading James van Praagh's brilliant book Talking To Heaven (A Medium's Message Of Life After Death).

I read yesterday the comprehensive messages James was able to give a couple whose son, Steven, was believed to have committed suicide.  Such was the detailed information he gave them from Steven in spirit that they went to the police armed with the knowledge that, far from ending his own life, he had in fact been murdered.  He even named his murderer - and when a detective investigated he eventually obtained a confession from the man in question, who is now serving a life sentence in a state penitentiary!

Now I'm reading about a young man who died tragically in Vietnam when blown up by a grenade that got caught in his clothing.  From spirit Mike reassured the brother who had been grieving for him that on death he was greeted by their grandmother, Alice, who had helped him come to terms with the suddenness of his passing.  Pappy, their grandfather, and Jo Jo their German Shepherd were also there.

Mike apologized for causing so much worry and heartache and emphasized that he was all right and living a full life on the 'other side'.

Proof of life after death?  I believe so - don't you?

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