Thursday 16 February 2012


I wrote yesterday about the feelings that can arise after a death.  Now I’d like to acquaint you with the thinking behind my novel OUT OF TIME.

This is set simultaneously on two time-levels, with brides Catherine and Katharine Tice living side by side yet four centuries apart.  You might be asking how that can be and, if you are, my answer is that time is illusory.

While earth-bound we are tied to time – restricted by man-made calendars and clocks.  But once released from our bodies we are gloriously freed from these restrictions.

So Catherine, while having to come to terms with a death, is helped by Katharine who is free to move between centuries.  She begins to see that life does not end with death, as she had been brought up to believe, and her new vision gives her immense strength.

In my next Blog I’ll be exploring the concept ‘after a death’ in relation to reincarnation and my novel THE PORTRAIT.

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