Monday 28 May 2012


Do you often look, as I do, at Nature's gifts to us and marvel over all the evidence we see around us of life after death?

Plants and trees that seem to die in winter return to life in the spring. Flowers wither, but will bloom again on a new stem.

We are surely no different. I was just reading a feature about Britain's most accurate medium, Gordon Smith, who has written the book 'Intuitive Studies: A Complete Course In Mediumship'.

When Gordon was seven or eight a friend of his mother's passed him on the street and stopped for a chat. But when he told his Mum about this she became very upset - because the man in question had died the previous week!

Thanks to his mother's reaction, Gordon learned to keep quiet about his subsequent experiences - until his early 20s, when a friend's brother died in a house fire.  At 3 am he appeared in Gordon's bedroom, but had vanished through the floorboards before Gordon could speak. It turned out the next morning that he had died at that exact time.

I find nothing strange in such manifestations of life after death. It seems to me an absolutely natural process that our spirit lives on when we leave our flesh.

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