Friday 3 August 2012


Where is your gateway to paradise? Here's one of mine. It's on glorious Dartmoor, between Widdecombe village and the Rugglestone Inn.

For me (and countless others) Dartmoor is paradisaical. I can see it, distantly, from my study window and can be there after a thirty-minute drive. The views on the moor (except when it's clothed in mist) stretch forever, across to high tors, vast swathes of bracken and heather - and ponies galore.

I can go through this gate and feel that I am in heaven already. Are these similar feelings to those we experience when we eventually go from the life we know to the afterlife?

I wouldn't be surprised! And I hugely appreciate the way my spirits lift with every new gateway to paradise I find.

P.S. Just letting you know that all 4 P.G. Glynn novels will be FREE from Kindle Direct this weekend!

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